

Kenny Weiss

How Can Kenny Help You?

Kenny Weiss believes if he is going to teach it, he must first live it and learn from it.

His own childhood trauma, challenges with loving himself and others, and past health issues have all been overcome by his own Journey to Emotional Authenticity and he uses this method to help you heal your hurts.

If you have been asking yourself questions like, “Why did this happen to me or what caused me to be like this?” then you may also be wondering, “How do I fix it?”

Kenny’s Emotional Authenticity Method can help.

He is one of the only coaches you will find who answers, “How?” 

You can begin healing now by finding the answers to those questions you ask yourself (even those you’re afraid of) so you can better process your emotional problems and elevate your life. 


Kenny Weiss specializes in helping you heal the pain from your past, transform your toxic relationships, learn to love and accept your perfect imperfections, and reclaim your authentic self!

Kenny brings knowledge through his own experience and encourages you to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. He is a teller of hard truths, helping you to face your pain and break free from self-destructive behaviors so you can love yourself and elevate your life.

Having personally experienced many of the challenges his clients face (addictions, two divorces—one in which he experienced verbal and physical abuse—bankruptcy, and suicidal thoughts), Kenny’s approach makes a lasting difference in his clients’ transformation. He doesn’t just talk-the-talk; he has lived it and survived it, and now he uses that experience to help others..

Kenny Weiss is an Emotional Authenticity coach and founder of The Greatness University

While some may find his profound approach startling, his tactics come from a place of love and empathy which often lends itself to raw directness. From Scottsdale to Malibu and Manhattan to Miami, Kenny helps people all over the world get out of their comfort zone to become their best and most authentic selves.

With his unique approach and love for others, Kenny Weiss has created a revolution to help people discover their potential, embrace their fullest authenticity, and share it with the world. Whether you participate in his private or group coaching programs or heal emotionally through his online resource library, Kenny’s Emotional Authenticity Method will help you master your emotions.

Your Journey to Emotional Authenticity Begins here. It’s the secret to finding you.

Kenny’s advanced coaching style equips you with life-long tools that provide you the ability to become your own coach! Known for his deep “no-fluff” approach, he is the coach you call when typical counseling and coaching have failed.

Kenny Weiss desires to help society improve its ability to calmly and successfully navigate the difficulties of life…and we are always faced with challenges in life.

Through his powerful methods, transformational coaching, and life-changing programs, Kenny’s mission is simple: to help as many people as possible develop Emotional Authenticity so they can conquer codependency and create lasting love and connection. Your most important relationship is with you, so Kenny teaches you to Master Your Emotions because you deserve to love yourself.

Kenny Weiss feels the most joy when he is able to help his clients develop unshakeable self-love and live their best, most authentic lives—free from the pain of the past and filled with emotional calm.

He is a leading personal development speaker and author of Your Journey to Success. Kenny’s work has been shared in Psychology Today, Phoenix Magazine and Reader’s Digest among other popular publications.

The Kenny Weiss Story:

Raised by perfectly imperfect parents who had four children by the time they were in their early 20s, emotions ran high in the Weiss household. Add a father who was beaten as a child into the mix, along with a mother who was adopted, and it is easy to see why Kenny grew up in a home with a raging father and an alcoholic mother.

Kenny’s upbringing molded his journey in life and after battling with his demons for years, he contemplated suicide. Holed up in his apartment for three days, he found himself trying to write a suicide note to his children but when he tried to justify his choice, he just couldn’t. Every time he tried to write a sentence, he realized there was no way he could take his life without ultimately transferring his own pain to his children.

Kenny’s Journey to Emotional Authenticity

After more than 30 years of reading, researching, seminar attendance, and working with experts to try to get a handle on his issues and pain, he had an epiphany: something is drastically missing in society and the mental health field.

At that moment, he went into his office and wrote down these words:

“I want to come up with a revolutionary process no one else has discovered that will fundamentally change the way we help people in pain!”

This is when he began development of his unique Emotional Authenticity process and started the journey that would later become The Greatness Movement. This movement was the precursor to Kenny’s creation of The Worst Day Cycle, which you can read about here.


Certified Coach

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.

The Worst Day Cycle

To end the cycle of self-sabotage, we need to know what causes it and why we do it, but more importantly, we need to know how to stop it. Kenny’s one-of-a-kind Emotional Authenticity Method provides you with those skills. No matter the situation, you will finally have the tools to achieve your professional and relationship destiny.

Courses and Master Classes

What do you want to work on first?

Love, Connection & Relationships

The Complete Journey to Emotional Authenticity

Self-Love, Self-Respect & Boundaries

Experience is the best teacher only when it allows you to pass on the lessons you have learned. When deep knowledge imparts smart solutions, it can enlighten the student and save time, energy, and angst, helping to relieve pain and begin the healing process.

Are you ready to begin your healing journey?

Through personal struggles, immense growth, training, and research, Kenny successfully transformed his life and now helps others do the same. His success comes from a self-mastery approach to assisting people in facing their unique struggles: often in relationships, codependence, confrontation, career, stress, anxiety, anger, addiction, depression, fear, and trauma.

Kenny’s Mentor: Mike Pinkston

Kenny readily admits that his mentor, Mike Pinkston saw his natural gift: he understands the deep inner workings of people and has the ability to translate that into acts of service for others.

As a result, Kenny began his journey by leading several self-help groups and becoming a go-to accountability partner for many of Mike’s clients. That time played a significant role in Kenny’s future discoveries and one-of-a-kind insights. Learn more about Mike Pinkston.
