Worst Day Cycle
People ask, “What is the Worst Day Cycle?
For centuries society has stigmatized, and science has incorrectly downplayed, the importance of emotions. Unfortunately, these factors have resulted in humans developing an emotionally self-destructive survival process to absorb the childhood injuries we all experience from perfectly imperfect caregivers. I call this process The Worst Day Cycle.
For humans to survive, we must form a physical and emotional bond with other humans but because of a lack of education about how to do this lovingly, we all experience emotional pain and injuries from our caregivers.
We are Human and We Make Mistakes. Our Parents Did, Too
Since science and society have held us back from evolving emotionally, the best we can do as a child in those moments is to relinquish our inherent power and authentic self. As a result, we develop a shame-based false persona to survive the emotional injuries we experienced from our perfectly imperfect caregivers so we can forge a necessary connection.

The Replay: A Cycle of Shame
The overwhelming emotional experience of childhood injury, loss of inherent power, and adoption of a false persona create a fear-based traumatic emotional chemical addiction in the brain and body of each child. This emotional addiction becomes a mostly subconscious shame-based compulsion to replay the unhealed childhood injuries resulting in each adult relationship/s, career/s, and health outcome/s mirroring the original childhood emotional injury the individual has yet to heal.
A person does this to regain their lost power (they are now in control of doing it to themselves) and as a way to let themselves know they need to heal the pain from the past so they can reclaim their authentic self. Sadly, the individual will deny their part because both society and science have not made them aware of the role they are playing in creating their emotional misery.
Successfully conquering The Worst Day Cycle requires healing the shame and facing this denial by developing Emotional Authenticity.
In doing so, the individual reclaims their authentic self by healing the pain from the past and discovering the ability to forgive their caregivers and themselves for their part in their life difficulties.
Your Journey to Success
The end result is the creation of a new self-empowering emotional chemical addiction that embraces those perfect imperfections. The resulting wisdom allows individuals to reach their full potential and operate in their destiny. Most importantly, the deep connection and acceptance they longed for are achieved even if their caregivers never participate in the healing.
You can learn how The Worst Day Cycle is replaying in your life and how to overcome it here: Your Journey To Success!
How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle- Part 1
For centuries society has stigmatized, and science has incorrectly downplayed the importance of Emotional Authenticity. But unfortunately, these factors have resulted in humans developing an emotionally self-destructive survival process to absorb the childhood...
How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle – Part 2 Trauma
Today's Best Day Blog article is here to help you on your journey to healing from the past, gain Emotional Authenticity, and love and accept your perfect imperfections. This is part two of my 5-part series about how to heal The Worst Day Cycle, and here I'm going to...
How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle – Part 3 Fear
In part 3 of how to heal The Worst Day Cycle, I will share how the brain and body create the emotional, and chemical addiction to fear, which is stage 2 of the cycle. If you missed parts one and two, I provide links at the end of this article. How the brain works It...
How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle – Part 4 Shame
As a species, we need two things to survive, attachment to another human being and the ability to pursue our authentic selves. Because our caregivers are human and therefore, perfectly imperfect, we survive by dropping our authentic selves to create attachment. The...
How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle – Part 5 Denial
It has been my life experience that the single greatest killer on the planet today is denial. It permeates every aspect of life and it is always at the central core of all life problems. Denial of this truth itself is why no one is talking about or dealing with it. Therefore, becoming an expert in your denial and self-deception is the most important skill you need to learn if you want to overcome The Worst Day Cycle. By doing so, you will have a profound impact on your healing journey.
Break Your Worst Day Cycle
Successfully conquering The Worst Day Cycle requires developing Emotional Authenticity to heal the pain from the past. In doing so, you reclaim your authentic self and discover the ability to forgive and love yourself for being perfectly imperfect. This is the creation of a new self-empowering emotional chemical addiction. Let’s begin.