
Welcome to The Greatness Movement

Kenny officially launched The Greatness Movement in 2018 after releasing his seminal work, Your Journey to Success. The book serves as a blueprint for making lasting change.

It details his years of research, courses, seminars, and books to find the gap and create a process for healing. He highlights his own traumatic experiences so that everyone can learn to heal the pain from the past, love their perfect imperfections, and live in their most authentic selves.

The mission of The Greatness Movement is to not just understand “why” things aren’t working, but more importantly to understand “how” to change them and break the Worst Day Cycle.

Kenny has a unique ability to see what everyone else has missed. He imparts immediate, deep wisdom which generates innovative, transformative solutions to achieve rapid results while allowing each individual to pursue their journey at their own pace and without judgment.

Your most important relationship is with you so Kenny teaches you to master your emotions because you deserve to love yourself.

Ask Me Anything

Face your pain and break free from self-destructive behaviors with a video response from Kenny, directed to you privately.

The core of the Greatness Movement is based on two fundamental pillars.

1. Providing everyone the knowledge, skills, and tools to be The Greatest Version of Themselves as parents, in relationships, in their professions, emotions, and across all other areas of life.

2. A new era of acceptance and permission creates an innate desire in us all to become experts in sharing our perfect imperfections and overcoming our pain as a result of having these new skills and tools.

Kenny’s Heal the Hurt Podcast

The result is a more emotionally calm, vulnerable, and safe life journey. Begin yours with Kenny’s podcast Heal the Hurt.

Heal the Hurt is now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

If you want to stop being held hostage by your own pain and are ready to heal from past abuse and trauma, this podcast might be your place to begin.

In each episode, Kenny shares how to heal from emotional hurt from your past by helping you get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. He gives you to tools you need to elevate your life.

Kenny’s Emotional Authenticity Method might initially feel a bit rough but when you begin finding answers to the questions you ask yourself (even those you’re afraid of), you break free from self-destructing behaviors and begin loving yourself. As an advocate for truth and healing, Kenny helps guide you to living your best life. This podcast will help you feel both powerful and empowered.

You can support this podcast and ensure future episodes here:

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This Codependence Questionnaire PDF Download is yours free. Just input your email address and you will be directed immediately to the download.

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“How to Keep Our Boundaries in 3 Simple Steps” is yours free. Just input your email address and you will be directed immediately to the download.

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“Conquer Confrontation: Create Lasting Love and Connection” is yours free. Just input your email address and  receive your download.

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The PDF Download “How to Heal from Codependence: Giving the Pain Back is yours free. Input your email address to be redirected to the download.

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The first step to Emotional Authenticity and discovering your Greatness is to reconnect to your authentic self. Complete this form for instant access.

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Free Crash Course in Emotional Authenticity

Emotional Authenticity begins with small steps. Here are some of the first you can take on your journey to Emotional Authenticity!

Kenny’s 6-Day Emotional Authenticity Crash Course makes it easy to begin. It comes to you each day for six days via your email inbox.

With this daily dose, you will learn to set up a consistent feelings-tracking practice designed to help you reach your ultimate goals and dreams through mastery of your emotions.

Are you ready to go within and create the life you love to live?

Recommended Reading

to accompany you on your journey

Kenny’s Emotional Authenticity began with a desire to learn all he could in order to help others overcome the same types of emotional challenges he experienced and he continues his learning to remain a valuable resource for thousands like you who are beginning their own journey to Emotional Authenticity. 

From breaking the Worst Day Cycle to repairing relationships, every step begins with our own internal realizations and healing. As Kenny often says, “you cannot heal the hurts you haven’t faced.”

This is your opportunity to follow in Kenny’s footsteps and consume the same content he does. His recommended reads are accompanied by an original book review for many titles. You can browse and buy any of them here.

Kenny Weiss is a strong advocate for truth and healing. He specializes in helping people heal from their emotional hurts, co-dependence and pain from the past so they can once again love themselves.

He is the author of Your Journey to Success, a leading personal development speaker, certified coach and founder of The Greatness Movement and The Greatness University.

Download FREE: Your Journey to Success Exercises Workbook.

To download this FREE guide, enter your name and e-mail address below. By entering your e-mail, you agree to sign-up for e-mails from The Greatness Movement.

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Kenny believes we must process our problems to overcome them and the best way to heal is to face our fears and uncover our hard truths. Kenny provides that space and the information necessary to master your life problems.


Face your worst to be your best in these courses designed to take you on a self-guided journey to Emotional Authenticity. Uncover the truth under the hurt to reset and reclaim your best life.


Kenny’s unique approach cuts through the clutter and delivers actionable takeaways that ignite REAL change! When deep knowledge imparts smart solutions, it enlightens the student and saves time, energy, and angst.
