Authentic Self Cycle
People ask, “What is the Authentic Self Cycle?
We must accept that we have all experienced childhood trauma, and those childhood experiences have led us to detach from our authentic selves by creating adaptive personas that teach us to live our lives stuck in self-deception. Since our brain seeks certainty, we recreate similar detrimental patterns that mirror our hurtful childhood experiences as adults. We call this the Worst Day Cycle and accept that it is the source of our struggles.
Although we are not to blame, we are responsible for every fortune or misfortune in our adult life. To reclaim our authentic selves, we must take responsibility for the part we played and begin our journey of healing. We accomplish this by implementing a plan and committing to self-discovery and healing work.
By pursuing the first three steps, we can accept that we are human, perfectly imperfect, and limited. As a result, we extend grace to ourselves and our perpetrators for all past and future mistakes. This acceptance allows us to believe that we are always worthy and enough.
We consciously choose to become experts in our perfect imperfections and gain the knowledge, skills, and tools to reclaim ourselves through the process of Emotional Authenticity and any other modality we feel might be beneficial to our healing.
By pursuing the first three steps, we can accept that we are human, perfectly imperfect, and limited. As a result, we extend grace to ourselves and our perpetrators for all past and future mistakes. This acceptance allows us to believe that we are always worthy and enough.
Living by these principles creates the complete acceptance of your light and dark, perfect and imperfect. When coupled with Emotional Authenticity, these foundational principles create a new neural pathway and emotional chemical addiction that work for you and not against you. With each rendition of this cycle, you reclaim another portion of your authentic self.