Sandstone Care

Kenny Weiss was honored and humbled when Deb from Sandstone Care‘s alcohol and drug treatment facility reached out to ask him to supply a quote for their website and blog.

They were familiar with Kenny’s work on narcissism and had been following his content on the subject, and as they were building out their own blog on the subject, they asked Kenny to comment as a subject matter expert. The image of a quote on the Sandstone Care website is featured below.

You see, Kenny is a person who has struggled with multiple addictions and has been married to narcissists. Not only has he studied the subject, but he has also lived it. In addition, he is familiar with Sandstone’s programs as someone very close to him has been treated at that facility. He has met many of the counselors and highly recommends them if you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction. Watch Kenny’s video to hear the story.

You can read the blog and view Kenny’s contribution at the Sandstone Care website, here: 

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Recognizing NPD in Teens

Kenny’s Top 5 Videos About Narcissism on YouTube

Work with Kenny

All addiction is, at its core, intolerable emotional pain that’s never been addressed. And it’s almost always in childhood. And it’s the same for narcissism. We don’t attract a narcissist unless there was childhood trauma. If a person isn’t addressing that, they can’t heal. Is it time for you to heal? 

If so, you can work with me one-to-one by booking a consultation here or I invite you to join one of my coaching programs or classes to begin healing today because you deserve it.
