
My Mentor Mike Pinkston

Meet Kenny’s Mentor, Mike Pinkston

Nearly 20 years ago, I walked into Mike Pinkston’s office in a desperate attempt to save my failing marriage. After sharing a bit about my childhood and marriage, I summed it all up: “Mike, I just don’t know how to be a man.”

His profound, yet straightforward reply would change my life forever. He said, “Kenny when I was in your shoes, I went and became an expert.”

Something about his reply resonated deep in my bones.

They weren’t just words. I didn’t feel burdened with the prospect of the work required. Instead, I felt resolved to make it happen.

My Mentor; My Experience

Over the next 10 years, I estimate that for seven of those years, I saw Mike at least once a week. If Mike made a suggestion about a book, I would read it before our next session. Even while going through a bankruptcy, I made sure I had the money to pay for my gas (his office was 1 ½ hour away in each direction), our sessions, and the weekly group meetings at his office.

I was desperate for healing the pain from my past

I yearned to live in truth and reality, and I wanted to develop the skills and tools to navigate life and relationships and reach my potential. I wanted to learn how to become a man!

After only a few months, Mike planted the seeds for where I am now.

Mike was hearing reports about how effective and insightful I was in helping others in the group I attended at his office. After only a few months of working together, Mike said the second most profound statement of my life, “Kenny, you have a gift to teach and help people. You need to come work for me.”

While I wasn’t yet ready to step into that role, I am now.

If you have gained from what I teach, much of your gain is because of Mike.

Mike’s passion has always been to find the most advanced solutions to helping people heal. To do that, he has followed his own advice. He has become an expert in many different modalities, the latest of which is Neurofeedback. Ironically, his journey to specializing in Neurofeedback started with me. You can learn all about that in this blog article.

Neurofeedback put into place the tools Mike taught me, and I taught myself.”


You see, physical and emotional injuries affect the brain’s ability to process. Neurofeedback permanently fixes those broken processes. I would not be able to navigate my life, live in the skills and tools I have learned, and now teach if it weren’t for Neurofeedback. I believe it needs to be part of everyone’s journey to heal their Worst Day Cycle, develop Emotional Authenticity, and reclaim their authentic self.

My relationship with Mike has evolved over the years. We now talk weekly, sharing our latest insights and epiphanies on what might help others but mainly we are focused on deepening our friendship, love, and support for each other!

I want to give you the same gift I was given by sharing Mike Pinkston with you.

While he no longer counsels, Mike does offer Neurofeedback training. He and his team can treat you if you live in the Colorado Springs area. If you don’t, you can learn through his blogs or if you reach out to his office at Heart Matters, he will point you in the direction of finding a specialist to help you. To learn more about Mike and his vast skills, visit his website.
