
Healing Trauma

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How To Heal From Your Past

How To Heal From Your Past

Hello and welcome back! Today I’m talking about how to heal the pain from our past – I’ll be laying out the entire process. Before I get started, I want to disclaim: there are a ton of modalities out there. They’re all great, and they all work yoga, acupuncture,...

What Is Enmeshment?

What Is Enmeshment?

Welcome back! Today we are talking about enmeshment: what is it? It’s not something most people are aware of – perhaps you’ve never even heard the term. So let’s dive right into it. Enmeshment is a parenting style that’s mischaracterized as loving and loyal. In...

The Signs Of Enmeshment

The Signs Of Enmeshment

In this article, I'm talking about the signs and characteristics of enmehttps://kennyweiss.net/what-is-enmeshment-2/shment. I've spoken about what it is (because many people are unaware). Breaking down the differences between enmeshment and codependence in previous...

Why People Bounce Their Leg

Why People Bounce Their Leg

The short answer that the experts won't tell you: It is a response to unhealed trauma. If you claim you have a lot of energy and get it out by bouncing your leg, you aren’t entirely wrong. But this “energy” is likely a form of PTSD. That bouncing is stored trauma we...