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How To Keep Your Boundaries In 3 Simple Steps

How To Keep Your Boundaries In 3 Simple Steps

How To Keep Your Boundaries In 3 Simple Steps   Do you find yourself often saying, 'They made me feel "________Fill in the blank'? In today's Best Day Blog article and accompanying video, I will show you how to keep your boundaries in 3 simple steps so you never...

Why Being An Empath Isn’t Good

Why Being An Empath Isn’t Good

Most people believe being an empath is superior, but it can damage your life and relationships. Today's Best Day Blog article, and the accompanying video, will take you through what an empath is actually experiencing, what creates them, and what you need to do so that...

How To Not Feel Guilty After Setting Boundaries

How To Not Feel Guilty After Setting Boundaries

Want to know how to not feel guilty after setting the boundaries you are entitled to? In today's Best Day Blog article, I will show you how. Also, check out my YouTube video here for even more solutions.  The guilt that so many of us feel when setting boundaries is...

7 Characteristics of a Love Addict

7 Characteristics of a Love Addict

Are you constantly afraid that you're going to lose your relationship? In today's Best Day Blog article, I will help you by sharing seven characteristics of a person who lives in that constant fear of loss and the seven solutions to stop feeling so fearful. These...

How to Fight Fair and Save Your Relationship

How to Fight Fair and Save Your Relationship

Today we’re talking about how to fight fair and save your relationship. We’re covering three main topics: reality arguments (the source of every fight). The basic ground rules for a fight, and a detailed confrontational model that will literally save your...

Understanding Morals and Values | Codependence Recovery

Understanding Morals and Values | Codependence Recovery

If you’re recovering from Codependency and are searching for a way to improve your relationships, finances, or general mental health recovery. It’s vital that You: Understand your morals and values Ask for your needs and wants Determine your negotiable’s and...

When a Man or Woman Shuts Down Emotionally

When a Man or Woman Shuts Down Emotionally

Are you in a relationship with a man or woman who shuts down emotionally and avoids intimacy and connection? Would you like to know if you can save the relationship? That's what we're talking about in today's article. First, I will be breaking down what causes a love...

10 Ways To Conquer Codependence

10 Ways To Conquer Codependence

Welcome back! In today’s article, I will share what I believe are the 10 steps both personality types should take to heal from codependence. If you are unsure which type you are, go back and watch my video on the two types. One is the classic disempowered: this is...

The Two Codependent Personality Types

The Two Codependent Personality Types

Welcome back! Today I'm talking about the fascinating polarity of the two codependent personality types. Codependence can be characterized as living on one end of two extremes. The typical "disempowered" that we commonly identify with on one extreme and the "falsely...