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7 Steps To Heal Toxic Shame

7 Steps To Heal Toxic Shame

Toxic shame steals our souls. It robs us of our joy, spontaneity, and our light. In today's Best Day Blog, I will show you how to calm the chaos within and convert that darkness into light! In this article, I will share seven steps to heal toxic shame with you.  ...

How Toxic Shame Creates The False Self

How Toxic Shame Creates The False Self

In today's Best Day Blog and accompanying video, I will help you transform the emotional misery of toxic shame into Emotional Authenticity by bringing awareness as to how toxic shame creates the false self.   Toxic shame is an internal separation from ourselves....

What Is Toxic Shame?

What Is Toxic Shame?

Toxic shame is the underlying sense of feeling worthless. As parents, we are human and inherently, perfectly imperfect. Therefore, as children, we were all shamed. For some, those moments are few. For others, they are pervasive. Some individuals will carry this shame...

How To Avoid Suffering

How To Avoid Suffering

Suffering is a natural part of life but it doesn't have to be your entire life. In today's Best Day Blog article, I'll share three ways that can help you avoid suffering so you can live a happier, more fulfilling life!   Step 1- Acceptance When it comes to...

What Causes Self-Deception?

What Causes Self-Deception?

While there are many reasons we can't see our self-deception, I will focus on two primary reasons that very few people will ever mention in today's Best Day Blog article. The fact that so few ever say these are, in part, why it makes it so hard for us to see how we...

7 Characteristics of a Love Addict

7 Characteristics of a Love Addict

Are you constantly afraid that you're going to lose your relationship? In today's Best Day Blog article, I will help you by sharing seven characteristics of a person who lives in that constant fear of loss and the seven solutions to stop feeling so fearful. These...

How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle- Part 1

How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle- Part 1

For centuries society has stigmatized, and science has incorrectly downplayed the importance of Emotional Authenticity. But unfortunately, these factors have resulted in humans developing an emotionally self-destructive survival process to absorb the childhood...

How To Heal Childhood Emotional Neglect

How To Heal Childhood Emotional Neglect

Childhood emotional neglect is most often experienced as a lack of care, concern, or response to your feelings as a child. It can feel as though your parents didn’t notice you had feelings, didn’t take the time to acknowledge them or even shamed you for having them.

How To Pick The Right Neurofeedback Clinician

How To Pick The Right Neurofeedback Clinician

Who should you seek out for neurofeedback training? There are four keys a person should be aware of when selecting a neurofeedback clinician. Licensed Clinicians Certified Clinicians QEEG Types of Neurofeedback Conclusion In my last blog, I talked about why someone...

How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle – Part 3 Fear

How To Heal The Worst Day Cycle – Part 3 Fear

In part 3 of how to heal The Worst Day Cycle, I will share how the brain and body create the emotional, and chemical addiction to fear, which is stage 2 of the cycle. If you missed parts one and two, I provide links at the end of this article. How the brain works It...

Need something more?

If you like the blog but need something more and are ready to calm the chaos, take a look at all the ways to begin your Journey to Emotional Authenticity.


Kenny believes we must process our problems to overcome them and the best way to heal is to face our fears and uncover our hard truths. Kenny provides that space and the information necessary to master your life problems.


Face your worst to be your best in these courses designed to take you on a self-guided journey to Emotional Authenticity. Uncover the truth under the hurt to reset and reclaim your best life.


Kenny’s unique approach cuts through the clutter and delivers actionable takeaways that ignite REAL change! When deep knowledge imparts smart solutions, it enlightens the student and saves time, energy, and angst.
